The Benefits of Outsourcing
Outsourcing some office tasks saves money and is the biggest reason why businesses choose to look outside to hire the expertise they need. Independant contractors reduces payroll tax and other required deductions which means that payment processing is streamlined.
Another way that outsourcing saves businesses money is the employer does not have to provide benefits to outsourced workers increasing prifitability. It is estimated employee benefits add an additional 15% - 25% to an employees salary expense.
Outsourcing also eliminates lost work days due to employees calling in sick, taking vacations, or personal time absences.
Let us Help You
If your practice is looking to cut expenses and considering the advantages of outsourcing, please allow RSDM the opportunity to demonstrate "RISK FREE" how we can assist you.
Appointment Scheduling
- Medical Evaluations
Payroll Service
- Time Tracking
Charge Capture and Receivable Management
Recruiting and Training
Paper Records to Electronic Copy Conversion
EMR / EHR Office Implementation or Conversion
Bookkeeping and Accounting
Professional Problem Solving

Next Steps...
Let's talk so that we can find ways to help your business grown and prosper.